
eyes, mine specifically, look for ways to capture and express beauty, wonder, love, healing

i can’t live without doing so


creativity claws and crawls its way from moments of inspiration until the point of release

quite painfully


snapping a shot through lens or clicking words on a keyboard

soothes the yearning itch

and fireworks display within me

BOOM! Bang! pop pop pop


then I can go a while, resuming mundanity


tickle, itch, crawl, claw


captured imagination


     Information came to my attention that has captured my imagination entirely. Shortly afterwards my ten year old daughter, who resists reading though she entirely enjoys listening to someone read to her, stumbled upon A Series of Unfortunate Events and she is excited to read. I was delighted, then thrilled, for it dawned upon me: that which captured her imagination was closely linked to that which captured mine.

     It is Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snicket) who wrote the series. An article on Daniel and his wife, author and graphic artist Lisa Brown, has intrigued me. I can scarcely think of anything more charming (the life of Beatrix Potter comes to mind) than children’s authors’ lives together.

      Their telling of a typical morning fascinates me. He waking early, she pleading for five more minutes. He ready to write, she making a joke by wearing funny clothes to work by his side. I daydream of a life as an author. I imagine myself doing my morning chores and shuffling the kids off to school, then settling down to write happily until shuffling them home again. This new concept of companionship in a passion is like spring air to my dream.

     Their 8 year old son passes up Harry Potter for poetry. He saw his father mark a dot next to favorite poems and wants to do the same.  This anecdote captured my heart; my kids watch me read and write and are inspired once in a while: what would happen if I wrote something renown?!

     There are so many things that interest and inspire me about this delightful couple and their son. I want to know more about Daniel Handler and Lisa Brown, my daughter wants to read all of the books, I enjoy listening to her read the series aloud. What a fortunate event!

Daniel Handler and Lisa Brown

more on Lemony Snicket


I did it! I made gluten free bread in my bread-maker: and it is better than Rudi’s:

and it is less expensive! Doing my proud dance for myself. whoo YAH

Here is the directions for the bread-maker with a link to gluten free girl‘s recipe:

directions for bread-maker baking

crusty boule recipe to use with above directions

Related links:

celiac in the city

gluten free easily 



i failed

“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney

My goal for 2014 was to maintain a healthy lifestyle. And lose weight.

My success was extraordinary. My failure is obvious.

My family now is remarkably idealistic when it comes to food; we follow the Food Babe quite strictly. No fast food, no beaver anal secretions a.k.a. natural flavoring, no GMOs, etc. I learned how to bake with mixes of gluten free flours so our lives go on normally without my son getting sick. We nixed the microwave. All in all, major improvements in one year!

The failure is obvious however. I cannot kick the sugar addiction. Whew! So I lost and kept off 20 pounds but I still have a ways to go. Sugar is in my way. So, I failed. But I know it is one more step to where I want to be. I am going to keep moving forward: joining the Robinson family.


Gluten Free journey

A memory. Traveling in the family mini van with three beautiful children. On our way to celebrate my oldest son’s birthday. He leaning sideways moaning. Why do I always get sick on my birthday?

Rashes. Nausea. Diarrhea. Severe abdominal pain. Moodiness.

His innate athleticism was squandered. His every day life stymied by inexplicable illness.

More questions. Why do I always get sick when we eat at a restaurant? 

The doctor who had my husband as a patient has no answers. The doctor who goes beyond the traditional methods discovered gluten intolerance. We took gluten out of my son’s diet and he quickly recovered.

His life was dramatically changed by a gluten sensitivity diagnosis. It took too long. He suffered unnecessarily.